The Procurement Act 2023

You are invited to join us for a webinar that will explore the long-awaited Procurement Act 2023, which is due to go live this year.

The Act will overhaul many of the existing rules which govern the award of public and utilities contracts.

Paul Henty, Partner and Head of Beale & Co’s Public Procurement Practice, will explore the new laws and how they impact suppliers, the risks of falling foul of curtaining requirements and how you can prepare for the changes.

Topics included in the webinar:

– How the new laws will impact suppliers.

– The rights of suppliers under the new regime.

– Risks associated with non-compliance.

For more information or to sign up for the event please click here

The Building Safety Act 2022

The Building Safety Act 2022 has undoubtedly been the biggest shake up of building safety regulation since the Building Act 1984.

With the conclusion of the transitional arrangements due on 6 April 2024, we invite you to join our esteemed construction health and safety lawyers Joanna Lewis, Michael Salau and Andrew Croft for a webinar offering some high-level guidance on how to prepare your business for the new requirements.

Topics included in the webinar:

– A brief background to the Building Safety Act

– The Defective Premises Act – Limitation Periods and Building Liability Orders

– Duty Holder Regime

– Competency

– Higher Risk Building Procedures

– Approach to contracts:

  • What we are seeing
  • Recommended approach

– Other risk management

For more information or to sign up for the event please click here

Adjudication Update: Practice and Recent Case Law

In this webinar, we will provide a quick recap of some of the core fundamentals to be aware of, as well as an update on adjudication case law and the implications on claim preparation and pitfalls.

Statutory adjudication was one of the mechanisms introduced with the aim of helping to speed up the resolution of disputes and cash flow issues on live projects, and to minimise associated delays or risks. By its nature adjudication is often viewed as a quick way to determine disputes and influence future communications or actions between parties, however there are occasions when the parties seek clarity or enforcement via the courts.

Topics included in the webinar:

  • Fundamentals of bringing/defending an adjudication
  • Recent case law

For more information or to sign up for the event please click here

JCT 2024 Edition suite of contracts

You are invited to join us for a webinar that will explore the latest changes made in the 2024 JCT suite of contracts, focusing on the Design and Build family of contracts.

Topics included in the webinar:

– Explaining the main changes introduced in the 2024 Edition

– Highlighting key commercial and legal risks

– Identifying ‘next steps’ for clients, main contractors and sub-contractors using the suite of contracts

– Consider the likely impacts of these changes on procurement and industry standard schedules of amendments

For more information or to sign up for the event please click here

Lendlease Construction vs AECOM [2023] EWHC 2620

The two leading lawyers on AECOM’s landmark case, Partner Sheena Sood (Beale & Co) and Lynne McCafferty KC (4 Pump Court), along with Partner Andrew Croft (Beale & Co) will delve in to the key issues which regularly feature in construction and professional indemnity claims.

Topics included in the webinar:

  • Execution of a contract as a deed
  • Contractual limitation periods
  • Reasonable skill and care vs flow down of strict obligations
  • Circumstances in which a continuing duty to review, advise or warn will arise
  • Responsibility for the designs of others
  • Recoverability of prior settlements

For more information or to sign up for the event please click here

Webinar: Revisiting the construction market in Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle East

There has been rapid growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the last decade. The Kingdom’s commitment to some of the most iconic and significant construction projects means it is one of the most popular investments for construction in the world. In addition the UAE’s construction sector is bouncing back with a slew of high-end projects being announced.

This webinar follows a seminar recently hosted in London by our Dubai Partners Claire Miller and Lyndon Richards. This time they will also be joined by their Dubai colleagues Jeremy Russell, Senior Associate and Natalie Ledger, Associate.

They will discuss:

– Developments in the GCC Construction Market in 2023

– The new KSA Civil Code and what this means for your Appointments & Contracts

– Managing Current Project Risks

– Inherent Defects Insurance Four Years In

To register for the webinar, please click this link.

Ukraine Recovery | Security, Insurance and Contracting

On 10 October, Partner Paul Henty will be hosting a British Expertise International webinar along with Dan Hooton of Spearfish on ‘Ukraine Recovery | Security, Insurance and Contracting’.

The webinar will be on Ukraine recovery and reconstruction with a virtual panel event providing practical advice to UK organisations in the key areas of risk, security, insurance and contracting.

Please click on the link here register for the event for free.

Special Risks Week – Product Recall Webinar

As part of our Special Risks Week commencing 9th October 2023, Partner, Jason McNerlin is hosting a product recall webinar, to review recent developments in product-related litigation in the UK and US.  The focus will be on key issues for underwriters and claims specialists in the contamination/recall insurance markets.

If you would like more information on the event or to sign up, please email our events team at

Insurance School 2023

This year we focused on 4 core interactive sessions which will ran as live webinars that provided an introduction to the key issues and lines of business you are likely to encounter at this stage of your career.

All sessions cover a broad overview of the legal, regulatory, claims and coverage issues you need to know about. Registrants are also provided free access to 15 other related training sessions to view at a time that suits you.

Session 1 – Introduction to Insurance with a Legal and Regulatory overview

Wednesday 1 February 2023, 12:00 – 13:15

In this session, Partner Simon Mathews and Senior Associate Flavia Solimano cover the below topics:

  • London Company market
  • London Lloyd’s market
  • Producing/placing brokers
  • Principal classes of business written
  • Reinsurance
  • Market security
  • Insurance underwriting process
  • Distribution channels including delegated underwriting
  • Insurance Act
  • Consumer Insurance laws
  • Commercial Insurance laws
  • Dispute Resolution including the FOS
  • ICOBs, TCF and complaints

Session 2 – Insurance Policies, Coverage Issues and likely areas of challenge

Wednesday 8 February 2023, 12:00 – 13:15

In this session, Partner Joe Bryant and Associate Jon Quirk cover the general principles surrounding any review of a Professional Indemnity Policy. The aim of this session will be to provide a practical steer on the usual coverage questions arising for claims handlers and brokers. The session will run through the most straightforward way to approach any question of Policy coverage, such that relevant aspects are not overlooked. The session will touch on the following broad topics:

  • Basic policy structure
  • Wording
  • Schedule
  • Endorsements
  • Slips
  • Insuring clause
  • Exclusions
  • Warranties
  • Common terms and conditions
  • Conditions precedent to Policy response
  • Notification
  • Third Party Rights Against Insurers

Session 3 – Introduction to Professional Indemnity Insurance

Wednesday 22 February 2023, 12:00 – 13:15

In this session, Partner David McArdle and Associate Melissa Evans cover the below topics:

  • Third Party Claims Made
  • Civil Liability
  • In course of Professional Business
  • Regulatory cover
  • Involvement of Regulatory Bodies
  • Consumer Protection
  • Overview of Professions
    • Solicitors
    • Accountants
    • Surveyors
    • Insurance Brokers
    • IFAs
    • Education
    • Architects
    • Engineers

Session 4 – Introduction to Other Insurance Classes

Wednesday 1 March 2023, 12:00 – 13:15

In this session, Partners Ross Baker and Nathan Penny-Larter cover the below topics:

  • D&O
    • Scope of cover
    • Common extensions to cover
    • Common exclusions
    • Double insurance issues
    • Common coverage issues
    • Common types of claims and claimants
  • FI
    • PI
    • BBB
    • Fidelity

Webinar: Russia Sanctions – your questions answered

In response to the invasion of Ukraine, the UK and EU have swiftly imposed waves of sanctions against an increasing number of Russian entities and individuals. This has caused confusion and concern for construction and engineering companies involved in projects with a Russia dimension (in terms of client ID, financing or location). Within the past ten years, Russia has developed into an important market for construction opportunities. Despite that, guidance issued by Government bodies often fails to address the questions which construction and engineering companies have.

Their questions include:

  1. Can we be paid for services provided under a contract with a Russian client?
  2. Do we need to stop performing our contract? Could we be sued for suspension?
  3. Are we still insured for work carried out?
  4. What penalties could we face for breaching the sanctions rules? Are directors and employees at risk?

We know many construction companies feel left in limbo right now. Drawing on our experience of advising on the Russia sanctions rules, this Beale & Co webinar hosted by Paul Henty and Kathryn Willis will explain the application of the sanctions rules to the sector and deal with some of the FAQs which have been put to us by clients since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine.

To download a copy of the slides, please click here.