This year we’re hosting four in-person seminars over two days, giving you a practical introduction to key business areas and challenges you are likely to encounter in your early career. Each session will provide a clear overview of the legal, regulatory, claims and coverage essentials you need to know.
Further details on each of the sessions can be found below. If you are interested in signing up to any of the sessions, please email
Wednesday 26 March 2025, 2:30pm – 7:15pm
Introduction to Insurance with a Legal and Regulatory overview & Insurance Policies, Coverage Issues and likely areas of challenge
Session 1 seminar: Introduction to Insurance with a Legal and Regulatory overview – 3pm – 4pm
In this seminar, Partner Joe Eizenberg covers the below topics:
- London Company market
- London Lloyd’s market
- Producing/placing brokers
- Principal classes of business written
- Reinsurance
- Market security
- Insurance underwriting process
- Distribution channels including delegated underwriting
- Insurance Act
- Consumer Insurance laws
- Commercial Insurance laws
- Dispute Resolution including the FOS
- ICOBs, TCF and complaints
Session 2 seminar: Insurance Policies, Coverage Issues and likely areas of challenge – 4.15pm – 5.15pm
In this seminar, Partner Joe Bryant covers the general principles surrounding any review of a Professional Indemnity Policy.
- Basic policy structure
- Wording
- Schedule
- Endorsements
- Slips
- Insuring clause
- Exclusions
- Warranties
- Common terms and conditions
- Conditions precedent to Policy response
- Notification
- Third Party Rights Against Insurers
Thursday 3 April 2025, 2:30pm – 7:15pm
Introduction to Professional Indemnity Insurance & Introduction to Insurance with a Legal and Regulatory overview
Session 1 seminar: Introduction to Professional Indemnity Insurance – 3pm – 4pm
In this seminar, Senior Associate Michael O’Brien covers the below topics:
- Overview of Professional Indemnity Insurance
- “Claims Made”
- Civil Liability Clauses
- In Course of Professional Business
- Regulatory Cover/ Bodies
- Consumer Protection
- Overview of the Professions
- Solicitors
- Accountants
- Surveyors
- Brokers
- IFAs
- Education
- Construction
Session 2: Introduction to Other Insurance Classes – 4.15pm – 5.15pm
In this seminar, Partners Ross Baker and Nathan Penny-Larter cover the below topics:
- D&O
- Scope of cover
- Common extensions to cover
- Common exclusions
- Double insurance issues
- Common coverage issues
- Common types of claims and claimants
- FI
- PI
- Fidelity