Our lawyers contribute regularly to industry and legal journals in addition to writing legal briefings, newsletters and case reports for clients and contacts. All of our articles are free to read and download here.

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Cover Confidential

This article examines West London Pipeline, June 2008, where the court declined to order disclosure of insurance details – departing from a decision in 2007 (Harcourt) where disclosure was ordered and is a follow-up to our piece on the Harcourt decision in 2007. The article will be of interest to the same readers. Location: UK
Legal Review: January to June 2008

Several of the cases on which we reported in our 2007 Annual Review have been considered and, in some instances, overturned by the Court of Appeal since last December. Some cases of importance have also been decided during the first six months of this year. We have therefore published a half-yearly Legal Review.
The Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008

From 6 April 2008 all construction projects in England with a value exceeding £300,000 must produce a Site Waste Management Plan or risk incurring penalties. Location: UK
Strictly speaking

This article considers the distinction between strict and absolute liability offences, particularly in a health and safety context. Location: UK
The glass is half full, Rupert

A commentary on the benefits of adjudications and the reasons why a (comparatively small) proportion of adjudicators' decisions are challenged in the courts. Location: UK
Health and Safety Helpline

Problems on site do not restrict themselves to working hours. Even if they do you may well be concentrating on priorities such as clearing up the site and planning remedial measures. Undoubtedly you will produce an excellent response to the crisis for your client, but will you be helping yourself? Location: Ireland
Corporate manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 – Guidance Note

From 6 April 2008 organisations and their senior managers can be found guilty of the new offence of corporate manslaughter/homicide. Location: UK
Not much agreement here

A critique of the RIBA agreement for the appointment of an architect. Location:UK
Withdrawal of taper relief – selling your business

From 6 April 2008 all disposals by individuals, trustees and personal representatives are subject to a single 18% capital gains tax. This has implications for anyone selling their business. Location: UK