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ACE agreements: Altogether now

The recent streamlining of the two design agreements for consultants into one brings simplicity and flexibility as well as a new take on liability. Location: UK
Once bitten, twice shy

Litigants in costs disputes can now force defendants to disclose further details about third-party funding, says Nick Gillies. Location: UK
Changes to rules on expert evidence

Important amendments to Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules came into force in England and Wales on 1 October 2009 which include changes to the rules regarding expert evidence. This document outlines the main changes. Location: UK
Salutary Lessons

Costain is the TCC’s latest professional negligence decision. The judgment offers salutary lessons for consultants and their legal advisors and demonstrates the court’s willingness to punish unreasonable conduct through costs orders. Location: UK
Further changes to Irish Minimum Terms for Solicitors Professional Indemnity Insurance

Last month Stephen Chessher wrote about changes to the Irish Minimum Terms to be introduced from renewal on 1 December 2009. Following those changes, further discussions were held between the Law Society and Professional Indemnity Insurers with a view to making the market for Solicitors Professional Indemnity Insurance more attractive for existing and potential new entrants. The… Read More >
Take the fifth: Liability for design mistakes

If you’re an architect, and you suddenly realise that you’ve made a mistake, do you have a duty to tell your client about it? Well, that all depends. Location: UK
Action Stations

Practitioners must ensure their client holds the right to sue and should act quickly if the limitation expiry date is near, say Antony Smith and Marc Jones. Location: UK
Solicitors’ Professional Indemnity Insurance

Changes to Irish Minimum Terms The end of the Irish property boom has resulted in an unprecedented rise in both the number and size of negligence claims against solicitors arising out of property transactions. This has coincided with a reduction in insurers’ investment returns and is expected to result in very substantially higher premiums for… Read More >
ACE Agreements 2009 – Amendments

The ACE has published some amendments to some of its Agreements and one of its Services Schedules. Rachel Barnes gives details of these amendments, where to find them and how to use them. Location: UK
What happens to collateral warranties if the client goes into liquidation?

Griffiths & Armour have recently received queries concerning the position of consultants in respect of collateral warranties when their clients go into liquidation. We set out some general guidance about this. Location: UK