Our lawyers contribute regularly to industry and legal journals in addition to writing legal briefings, newsletters and case reports for clients and contacts. All of our articles are free to read and download here.

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Budget 2013 – Government crackdown on LLP taxation

The Chancellor announced in yesterday’s Budget plans to consult on measures to remove the presumption of self-employment from limited liability partnerships and to counter the artificial allocation of profits to partners.
Draft Safety Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 – Ireland

A period of consultation during which the public and other interested parties were invited to give their views and comments on the draft safety health and welfare at work regulations ended in December 2012. The Regulations are due to be enacted in June 2013. This article outlines the main changes that will take place.
Reports from the courts – March 2013

Our regular round up of the court decisions of most interest to construction from Will Buckby and Ibaad Hakim of Beale and Company focuses on a case concerning liability for the failure of an under designed platform; and another where an adjudicator changed his mind.
PF2 – A new beginning for PFI?

Tom Pemberton and Pasquale Pisanelli of Beale and Company outline reforms to the private finance initiative, PF2, that are hoped to generate increased infrastructure investment. Although the new regime is in use for school building, doubts remain whether they will attract investment funds.
Alliancing Arrangements

In December 2012, Thames Water announced that a significant proportion of its AMP 6 programme (between 2015-2020) will be delivered under alliancing agreements. This appears to be part of a general trend towards the use of alliancing agreements with Network Rail, National Grid and a number of public bodies procuring infrastructure projects using the alliancing… Read More >
Level 2 BIM Projects – a new suite of documents published, including the CIC BIM Protocol, drafted by Beale and Company

The BIM Task Group, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the BSI, has published a new suite of documents for use on Level 2 BIM Projects, including the CIC BIM Protocol (the Protocol), drafted by Beale and Company, which contains additional contractual provisions to facilitate the use of Level 2 BIM and to allocate some… Read More >
A departure from SAAMCO? John Grimes Partnership Ltd v Gubbins

The Court of Appeal gave judgment on 5 February 2013 in the case of John Grimes Partnership Ltd v Gubbins. The decision will immediately raise an eyebrow as it has allowed the fall in the property market to be recovered from a Consulting Engineer. So how does that square with SAAMCO where Insurers for Surveyors… Read More >
Progress made in addressing the pyrite problem

On 21st December 2012, the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government announced the establishment of a Pyrite Resolution Board to oversee the implementation of a comprehensive remediation scheme for approximately 12,500 private dwellings affected by pyrite heave in Ireland. This article gives an update on the current status of this board.
A likely story

The Court of Appeal considered recently – in John Grimes Partnership Ltd vs Gubbins – whether consulting engineers were liable for a fall in the market value of a development. The decision boiled down to whether that loss was ‘not unlikely’.
Implications of refusal to mediate

As required by the Court of Appeal in Dunnett v Railtrack Plc it is necessary for lawyers and litigants to consider ADR. Failure to do so may result in a costs penalty at court. In Hurst v Leeming the High Court suggested that a refusal to mediate would be justified only in exceptional circumstances.