Our lawyers contribute regularly to industry and legal journals in addition to writing legal briefings, newsletters and case reports for clients and contacts. All of our articles are free to read and download here.

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Alliancing – it’s all for one and one for all

Will Buckby and Andrew Croft of Beale and Company review the operation of alliancing type procurement which major industry clients like Thames Water and Network Rail are increasingly adopting.
GHN Seminar – Collaborative Working

Beale and Company in association with the GarrickHouse Network held a seminar on Collaborative Working on 8 April 2013. This document contains the presentation materials and supporting documents from the seminar.
Legal Privilege – Decision hints privilege should be expanded

Legal advice privilege has traditionally been restricted to confidential communications between a client and a lawyer in connection with the giving of legal advice and entitles the client to refuse to disclose (and to have his lawyer refuse to disclose) those communications. A recent decision of the uk supreme court appears to suggest that legislation… Read More >
Irish Arbitration Act 2010

The Irish Courts have traditionally refused to stay proceedings in circumstances where a significant “step” has been taken by one of the parties in court proceedings. A recent decision of Mr Justice Hogan in the Irish High Court addresses the issue of what constitutes a “step” in proceedings sufficient to prevent a party from relying… Read More >
Pyrite Resolution Board Update

In December 2012 the Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan, established a Pyrite Resolution Board (PRB) to oversee the implementation of a comprehensive remediation scheme for private dwellings affected by significant pyrite heave. The Board is now fully constituted and comprises John O’Connor (Chairman), Caroline Gill, Paul Forde, Sean Balfe, and Matt Gallagher. They held… Read More >
Net contribution clauses under the spotlight

There has been little reported case law dealing with net contribution clauses. On the basis of this, there has been some debate as to whether, or how, they would be enforced. This articles looks at some recent cases that have attracted attention.
The Jackson Reforms and implications for the TCC

The Jackson Reforms came into force on 1 April 2013. In this article we outline some of the particular issues to look out for in relation to disputes in the Technology and Construction Court (TCC).
O ye of little faith

A recent Court of Appeal case confirms the traditional English hostility to a general doctrine of good faith in the performance of contracts. Rupert Choat looked at the sort of terms that could be implied in construction contracts, one of which was a duty of good faith. As this concept has given rise to conflicting… Read More >
Changes to Part 36 – Offers to settle

The Jackson Reforms, which came into force on 1 April 2013, have made some substantial changes to the Part 36 regime. The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2013 (SI 2013/262) introduce a revised CPR 36.14(3) which applies to Part 36 offers made on or after 1 April 2013 and which provide an additional incentive for claimants… Read More >
Reports from the courts – April 2013

Our latest round up of the court cases of most interest to construction comes from Will Buckby and Andrew Croft of Beale and Company who focus on an appeal court ruling that confirms the dangers of agreeing an absolute obligation to complete a project by a specific date; and a case that underlines uncertainties that… Read More >