Webinar: Construction Law Update – CDM Regulations

Sheena Sood (Partner) and Andrew Croft (Solicitor) have spoken about the likely impact of the new draft Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (“CDM Regulations 2015”) and accompanying guidance.

The draft CDM Regulations 2015 have been published following consultation last year and it is expected that these Regulations will come into force on 6 April 2015. The draft CDM Regulations 2015 introduce significant changes to the current CDM Regulations 2007, including the replacement of the CDM Co-ordinator role with that of the Principal Designer, removal of the domestic client exemption, withdrawal of the current Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and changes to the notification requirements.

With the new CDM Regulations 2015 expected to take effect on 6 April 2015, are you up-to-speed on the changes?

Please click on the following links to see a copies of the CDM Regulations Slides and Flow Chart for Designers.

To view a recording of the webinar, please click on the video below.