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Working at Height and Public Works

Following on from their article ‘Preventing Falls from Height in the Construction Industry’, Joanna Lewis and Jade Harvey look at a recent FOI request on working at height incidents. To read the full article, please click on the link below.
The impact of the sentencing Council's Definitive Guideline on Health and Safety at Work Offences

On 1 February 2016, the guidelines for the sentencing of health and safety offences, corporate manslaughter and food safety and food hygiene offences (“the Definitive Guideline”) came into force. Joanna Lewis and Jade Harvey consider the impact this has had on health and safety at work offences, and what further impact the Definitive Guideline will… Read More >
UK Government Cladding Update – 09.05.19

The UK Government announced today that it will allocate £200m to address private residential high-rise developments featuring combustible cladding, as it is alleged that freeholders and developers have failed to take appropriate action and have attempted to pass on the costs to leaseholders. This fund is similar to one announced in 2018 for social housing… Read More >
Arbitration News: Challenges to arbitrator’s appointment

Challenges to an arbitrator’s appointment are not everyday events, and successful challenges are rare. However, there may be instances where a party is dissatisfied with the arbitrator/s appointed and may seek to remove them from the tribunal. The party challenging the arbitrator should be aware that the hurdle to success is set high and so… Read More >
Ready, set, accelerate! Construction acceleration in the UAE

Under UAE law, there is no recognised concept of constructive acceleration and a Contractor who incurs additional expense to mitigate an Employer caused delay will not automatically be entitled to recover those costs. In this article Scott Lambert and Jeremy Russell look at the position at law and under the contract, what to do and… Read More >
Breach of Warranty and the correct measure of loss. Novel “loss of chance” argument fails in the High Court

In Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp LTD v ING Bank NV (2019) [2019] EWHC 676 (Comm) the Claimant ran a novel argument on its breach of warranty claim where it did not plead diminution in value of the shares as the measure of loss in relation to a £14.5m breach of Warranty claim that the Target’s accounts failed to… Read More >
Are you entitled to your money back in the event of a cancellation of a flight?

This is governed by Article 8(1) of Regulation (EC) 261/2004. The CJEU gave a preliminary ruling on this point on 12 September 2018. The ruling concerned the interpretation of Article 8(1)(a) of the Regulation which establishes common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long… Read More >
Joint Ventures – Strength in numbers

More and more work is being done under the form of a joint venture (“JV”), particularly on rail and infrastructure projects. JVs present opportunities for parties to spread financial risk (including costs and liabilities) whilst pooling their resources and expertise to provide a well-rounded and innovative offering to their clients. Such arrangements are particularly common… Read More >
Liberty GTS and consortium of insurers pay out €50 million FSN Capital W&I claim

The buyer side W&I policy was issued for FSN Capital’s acquisition of Gram Equipment from Swedish-based Procuritas in January 2018. FSN Capital filed its insurance claim in June 2018 claiming the seller had breached several of the warranties in the share purchase agreement, including warranties on the seller’s duty of loyal disclosure and accounting material… Read More >
Deadlock: Uncertainty grows as the Brexit process stalls

Following on from the last article on Brexit, Blogging the B-Word, Will Buckby and Kevin Henderson provide a quick recap of the Brexit process to date and analyse the effects of the current market uncertainty on the construction supply chain. To read the full article, please click on the link below.