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Beale & Co advises NIRAS on acquisition of food and drink specialist

Beale & Co has advised NIRAS on the acquisition of Integrated Food Projects, which provides independent advice to food and drink businesses. The acquisition strengthens NIRAS’s position within the UK and international food and beverage sector and enables them to provide a full range of consulting and engineering services to the industry. To read the… Read More >
Singapore Mediation Convention and its impact on the region

The United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements resulting from Mediation, or the Singapore Convention on Mediation (the “Convention”) applies to international settlement agreements which result from mediation. The Convention was adopted in December 2018 and then subsequently signed by 46 states in August 2019. Notably it has not been signed by the UK and… Read More >
Recovery of monies following Cyber Fraud

The criminal cyber world is fast-paced and does not wait for antiquated legal processes to catch-up. The increasing cybercrime statistics on nearly every metric are frightening. Recently, the English Courts have adopted a creative approach in order to assist victims and their insurers in recovering monies from cyber criminals. In this article, we discuss recent… Read More >
Do not fall into the Pitfall of Poor Contract Drafting

We are seeing an increase in disputes arising out of poorly drafted contract provisions that offer multiple interpretations, leaving those tasked with applying and/or interpreting such provisions guessing as to what the parties originally intended. In this article Antony Smith and Sadaff Habib remind us how costly simple drafting mistakes can be and the issues… Read More >
Reports from the Courts – January/February

In our round up of cases of most interest to construction Andrew Croft and Benjamin Spannuth report on a decision that confirms the importance of expressly including an Act-compliant payment mechanism and an express right to suspend in the event of non-payment in every ‘hybrid’ contract; and another that warns replacement contractors not to be… Read More >
Adjudication: Show me the money…!

Since the introduction of statutory adjudication in Ireland by the Construction Contracts Act 2013 (CCA), it has been possible to refer payment disputes under construction contracts to adjudication for resolution. Following a slow start in 2016 after the enactment of the CCA, the use of adjudication has recently shown a marked rise in frequency. In… Read More >
Japanese Knotweed – Not such a knotty problem?

In recent years, Japanese Knotweed has become the ‘villain’ of the horticultural world, feared by property owners and mortgage lenders. However, a UK government report published in May 2019 suggests that Japanese Knotweed may not be as big a problem as previously thought. In this article we consider the problematic nature of the plant, the… Read More >
Late payment update – new bill in Parliament

Yesterday saw the introduction of a new Private Members’ bill to tighten up existing late payment legislation, the first attempt to address late payment issues since the disappointing failure of the Aldous Bill last year. In this note, James Vernon and Sophie Bryant discuss some of the key details of the new bill. To read… Read More >
Building a safer future – latest reforms

This week saw the announcement of new building safety reforms by Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP. The proposals show a clear obligation for building owners/leaseholders to press on with remediation work as soon as possible, and evidence a move away from the emphasis on building height as a threshold for building safety requirements. In this… Read More >
When ‘disputes’ arise – what triggers the court’s obligation to refer to arbitration?

The recent judgment of Barniville J. in the case of XPL Engineering v K&J Townmore Construction Ltd suggests that the Court will be reluctant to override provisions set out in a contractual arbitration agreement and serves as a useful reminder of the Court’s increasing support for the referral of disputes to arbitration. In this article, Cian O’Gorman… Read More >