Our lawyers contribute regularly to industry and legal journals in addition to writing legal briefings, newsletters and case reports for clients and contacts. All of our articles are free to read and download here.

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The risks of claims against Solicitors regarding expert evidence

Expert evidence can make or break a party’s case at trial. Andrew Jones and Joe Bryant look at three recent Court decisions where the parties got it wrong and consider the risks to solicitors acting in litigation regarding expert evidence. To read the full article, please click on the link below.
Building a Safer Future? Draft Building Safety Bill

On 20 July 2020 the UK Government published the long awaited draft Building Safety Bill (“the Draft Bill”), setting out proposals for reform of the regulatory regime for building fire and safety in England. In this article, Nathan Modell and Courtney Clark discuss some of the changes introduced by the Draft Bill and how this… Read More >
Closing thoughts on the FCA's Business Interruption Test Case

It has been very interesting watching the FCA’s business interruption litigation playing out in the High Court this week. Whilst arguments have been made across every aspect of the various policy wordings that are under scrutiny, the key battleground has been causation; did the closure of policyholders’ premises cause their losses, or would those losses… Read More >
Labour Court Annual Report 2019

The role of the Labour Court (the Court) can be broadly divided between its industrial relations work (those issues coming to the Court under the provisions of the Industrial Relations Acts), and its employment rights work (those cases referred to it under any of the employment rights acts.) The Court published its Annual Report for… Read More >
Global Vantage: What happens when a party refuses to pay its share of the arbitration fee?

With the Coronavirus pandemic only serving to exacerbate pre-existing tensions at all levels of the supply chain, the number of construction disputes is expected to rise dramatically in the coming months. For parties with valid arbitration agreements, the first-step in resolving any such disputes will be to refer the matter to an arbitration panel. However,… Read More >
Beale & Co Virtual Architects' Rountable

On 9 July, Beale & Co were delighted to host its latest Architects’ Roundtable for professionals in the industry. In light of the current circumstances, the roundtable was held virtually. The roundtable provided an opportunity for architects to discuss the key issues that are currently affecting the industry and to debate the challenges they face… Read More >
Commencement Dates for Consumer Insurance Contracts Act 2019 Announced

It has been revealed that most of the provisions of the Irish Consumer Insurance Contracts Act 2019 will commence in just six weeks. However, some of the most significant changes have been delayed until September 2021. In this article, Tara Cosgrove, Martin Browne and Sean O’Halloran examine what portions of the act will commence and… Read More >
CLC COVID-19 Task Force: Future Proofing, Record Keeping and Summary Guide

On 14 July 2020, the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) COVID-19 Task Force published further key guidance to address the contractual challenges presented by the pandemic, including guidance on future proofing contracts, guidance on record keeping and a summary guide. In this article, Andrew Croft and Emily Hunt explain the guidance and summarise how to make… Read More >
Covid-19 Update: OGP Publishes Covid Co-Operation Framework Agreement on Implementation of Return to Work Protocols

The Office of Government Procurement has published a Covid Co-Operation Framework Agreement, on managing the cost and time impacts of the implementation of Return to Work Safely Protocols, under public works contracts. In this article, Killian Dorney and Cian O’Gorman provide analysis and summarise the key steps involved in the Framework Agreement.
Law in Lockdown: A Trainee Perspective

In this note, Beale & Co trainees Priya Thakrar and Emily Hunt describe their experiences of working at home during lockdown over the past four months.