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High Court Judgment narrows the Claimant’s route to a successful data breach claim

Warren -v- DSG Retail Limited[1] The recent judgment handed down by the High Court in this case is important for the corporate victims of cyber-attacks and their insurers. The Court dismissed claims for compensation for distress for Misuse of Private Information, Breach of Confidence and Negligence causes of action arising out of a common type… Read More >
Ms X and Galway County Council: Protecting tender information from FOI release

Introduction On 13 July 2021, the Office of the Information Commissioner in Ireland released its decision in Ms X and Galway County Council[1]. It provides a reminder of the risk to tenderers posed by freedom of information legislation, insofar as this may require all or part of tender related information to be made public. In… Read More >
US Senate Passes $1tn Infrastructure Bill

On 10 August 2021, the US Senate approved a $1tn infrastructure bill (the ‘Bill’) designed to help rebuild America’s aging roads, bridges, public transport and more. The Bill was passed by a bipartisan majority of 69:30 in the Senate (despite late efforts from former president Donald Trump to derail its progress) and promises to deliver… Read More >
Increased Penalties for Health and Safety Offences

In July 2021, we looked at recent prosecutions under the Environmental Offences Definitive Guideline including Southern Water receiving a £90 million fine for thousands of illegal discharges of sewage which polluted areas of Kent, Hampshire and Sussex. In this month’s article we consider recent prosecutions under the Health and Safety Offences, Corporate Manslaughter and Food… Read More >
Consultant held to be responsible for third party designs

Arbitration Appeal No. 1 of 2021 [2021] CSOH 41 We are increasingly seeing attempts by project clients and contractors to make consultants responsible for all design on a project and for information prepared by the client or by a third party. A recent case before the Scottish Courts has underlined the importance of resisting such… Read More >
Opportunity to help shape the approach to regulation of architects

On 16 August 2021 the Government published a Call for Evidence in respect of a review of architect regulations. Architects should take note as this provides an opportunity to comment on the way the profession is regulated and hints that significant change to the regime could be afoot. Given the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,… Read More >

In April 2021 the Workplace Relations Commission (“WRC”) published its sixth annual report outlining the challenges faced by the WRC in 2020 and the ways in which it had to adapt in order to provide its services during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. This article provides a brief summary of the findings in the… Read More >
IPCC Climate Change Report, a “code-red read” for everyone!

As pressure begins to grow in the run up to COP26, the United Nations intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has today issued its report on the changes happening to our planet, and the fact that human activity is increasing the risk of irreversible climate change. The UN secretary-general describes it as “code red for… Read More >
Introduction to Beale & Co’s Beyond Net Zero Series

In November 2021, Glasgow will host the 26th meeting of the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties, better known as “COP26”. Following the publication of the first part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Sixth Assessment Report on the 9th August 2021 in what is undoubtedly the biggest challenge facing our generation,… Read More >
Right to Adjudicate under a Collateral Warranty – Toppan Holdings Limited and Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Limited v Simply Construct (UK) LLP

In Toppan Holdings Limited (‘Toppan’) and Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Limited (‘Abbey’) v Simply Construct (UK) LLP (‘Simply’) [2021] EWHC 2110 (TCC), the TCC declined to enforce an adjudicator’s decision due to finding that the collateral warranty in issue was not a construction contract, and so the Adjudicator had no jurisdiction to decide the dispute.… Read More >