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Global Vantage: US$126 million arbitration award set aside due to error of law on the face of the award

The High Court of Trinidad and Tobago has delivered its judgment in National Infrastructure Development Company Limited v Construtora OAS S.A. (Claim No. CV2022-01832), setting aside a US$126 million arbitration award on the basis of an error of law. National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (“NIDCO”) and Construtora OAS S.A. (“OAS”) were parties to a modified… Read More >
Procurement Bill 2022: Key changes in relation to transparency

Background to the Procurement Bill The pre-Brexit procurement process in the UK was derived from EU law and was focussed on facilitating the concept of a single market i.e. maximising cross-border competition and free movement. The UK Government’s first step to simplifying the overly complex EU public procurement process was the publication of its Green… Read More >
Trading in the Twilight Zone – When does the Creditor Duty arise for Company Directors? A round-up of the recent cases applying the Supreme Court decision in Sequana.

Introduction: On 5 October 2022, the Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgement in BTI 2014 LLC v Sequana SA [2022]. The decision is the first from the Supreme Court to address when, and in what circumstances, company directors owe a duty to consider the interests of the company’s creditors (‘’the creditor duty’’). The creditor duty… Read More >
Terms and Conditions Update

There have been some key developments in the UK and global markets over the past year that have had a knock-on effect on the construction industry. There have also been some key legal developments with more to come very soon. We think that it is important to consider whether to update your standard terms and conditions… Read More >

Earlier this month, NEC published its latest amendments to the NEC4 suite of contracts. The updates, which cover topics ranging from climate change to limits of liability, bring about a host of useful changes, which demonstrate the NEC’s commitment to ensuring that its contracts adapt to meet the needs of the industry post-Covid. In this… Read More >
Protecting people and places: HSE Strategy 2022 to 2032

The HSE has faced growing responsibilities following its appointment as the Building Safety Regulator (“BSR”) and enhanced chemical regulation role post-Brexit. These new responsibilities combined with external factors, such as new technologies in the workplace, the government’s net zero agenda commitment and the growing gig economy, have required the HSE to evaluate how it intends… Read More >
Drafting for a greener future

Tim Kittow and Harry Coates welcome the benefits that the increasing amount of ‘green drafting’ of construction contracts will deliver, but caution that there are potential risks associated that must be appreciated from the outset. This was first published by Construction Law October 2022. CL Oct 2022Beale
Brokers (and Insurers) – Are you prepared for Product Governance Interventions?

In October 2022, the Product Governance (“PROD”) Rules, implemented by the Financial Conduct Authority, officially came into force for insurers and brokers in the UK. The newly introduced rules follow a long line of product governance guidance and interventions from the FCA into pricing levels within the insurance market. They supersede the “General insurance… Read More >

Our regular round up of court decisions of most interest to construction from Andrew Croft and Ben Spannuth looks at a case showing why Parties should take care when seeking to place reliance on previous adjudication decisions; and another judgment which should be taken as a reminder to parties to take care when entering into… Read More >
The implications for property agent remuneration of Barton v Morris [2023] UKSC 3

This recent decision of the UK Supreme Court raises an issue of real importance for professionals whose income relies on the payment of commissions. Where it has been expressly agreed that an agent should receive a specific fee for achieving a particular outcome, in what circumstances might they still be entitled to some remuneration where… Read More >