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Architects from UK, US, Australia and New Zealand gain new mutual recognition routes

The Architects Registration Board (ARB) has recently entered into two Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA). The first is with the US’s National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) and the second is a joint MRA with the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) and the New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB). The MRAs allow eligible architects… Read More >
Environmental obligations prioritised in insolvency proceedings

It is generally accepted that the push towards a greener future requires robust legislation, and in the case of common law jurisdictions ,supportive legal precedent which will assist in framing the landscape for the enforcement of environmental remediation obligations. This article considers the recent Canadian law decision handed down in the Court of King’s Bench… Read More >
Lee Witcomb v J. Keith Park Solicitors [2023] EWCA Civ 326 Section 14A Limitation Act 1980 – what knowledge is required?

Introduction The introduction of s14A Limitation Act 1980 (‘s14A’) was prompted by obvious injustice; claims where the claimant could only have discovered the possibility of a claim at a time when the primary six-year limitation period had already expired. For many of us, it is now difficult to comprehend that prior to 1986 a claimant… Read More >
Importance of Record Keeping in a Tight Labour Market

Our experience consistently reminds us that good record keeping practices are as fundamentally important to the overall success of a project as the manner and execution of the works themselves. You will have seen numerous articles by lawyers in the past addressing this topic. However, what we are currently seeing on a number of projects… Read More >
Case Report: Elements (Europe) Ltd v FK Building Ltd [2023] EWHC 726 (TCC)

In the recent summary judgment hearing, Elements (Europe) Ltd v FK Building Ltd [2023] EWHC 726 (TCC) 30 March 2023, the Court considered how “days” should be interpreted, under JCT Contracts, in the context of payment applications and absence of specific timings for performance. Although both parties had settled the dispute following the draft judgment,… Read More >
Global Vantage: FIDIC releases guidance note on impacts of COVID-19 and the invasion of Ukraine

In March, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) released a Guidance Note in relation to the various FIDIC conditions of contract (i.e. Red Book, Yellow Book, Silver Book) with a focus on the impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic and 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia can have on those contracts. The FIDIC Guidance Note… Read More >
Water Companies May Face Unlimited Fines Under Government’s Plan For Water

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (“DEFRA”) has recently announced the Government’s new Plan for Water which aims to deliver a healthy water environment and a sustainable supply of water for people, businesses and nature. DEFRA have stated that pollution in rivers has significantly reduced from 1990 and there is now 80% less… Read More >

Our regular round up of the court cases of most interest to construction comes from Andrew Croft and Ben Spannuth who examine the decision in an appeal that emphasises the need for parties to either raise issues in respect of the validity of payment applications/payment notices or to reserve their positions without delay; and another… Read More >
Practical Tips to Limit Risks of Subcontractor Insolvency

Life is becoming increasingly difficult for subcontractors and we are seeing time and time again how these difficulties are impacting on the successful delivery of projects across the Middle East. The rising costs of construction caused by inflation and supply chain disruptions has led to a squeeze on subcontractor margins. This, coupled with liquidity constraints… Read More >
Workplace culture and the tightening of legal regulation

In February 2022, the SRA published its Workplace Culture Thematic Review which sets out the SRA’s expectations in terms of workplace culture within law firms. The focus is on supporting employees’ wellbeing in the workplace by setting standards that apply to law firms and those responsible for a law firm’s culture and the systems in… Read More >