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New Edition of “Designing for Safety in Construction

11 May 2011 saw the launch of the new edition of the Manual “Designing for Safety in Construction”. Authored by Jack Kavanagh, with advice and support from a committee established by the RIAI, Engineers Ireland and the Association of Consulting Engineers in Ireland, the new publication is targeted at a professional designer or design consultant,… Read More >
Construction Amendments in Force From 1 October 2011

The long-awaited amendments to the Construction Act and Scheme should come into force on 1 October 20011 as we speculated in our last update on this subject. An Order was placed before Parliament yesterday for the commencement of the Amending Act and the amended Scheme on that date (provided the amended Scheme has been passed).… Read More >
Safety obligations: common law liability

Rachel Barnes considers the extent of an employer's duty to protect employees against personal injury under the health and safety legislation in an article published in Building on 17 June 2011. A recent Supreme Court case indicates that this statutory duty is no stricter than the common law liability. Location: UK
Due Date: debt collection after the tiger has bolted

In the era of the once-mighty Celtic Tiger, one might have been forgiven for allowing outstanding debts to build up around one's practice, given the volume of work being contended with. However, the recent downturn in the Irish economy has led every business to entirely depend on its cash flow for survival. It is more… Read More >
Irish Solicitors Professional Indemnity Insurance

Half way through the 2010 – 2011 year of insurance two major issues have caused extensive debate in the Irish solicitors profession generally and amongst professional indemnity underwriters in particular. The first issue is the financial collapse of the SMDF which until recently was the largest insurer of Irish solicitors and last year still accounted… Read More >
Amendments to the Construction Act and Scheme for Construction Contracts

Rachel Barnes and Nick Gillies provide an update on the legislative process for amending the Construction Act and Scheme. Location: UK
Good news for valuers and their insurers: The Court of Appeal decision in Scullion v Bank of Scotland

It has been established since the case of Smith v Eric S Bush [1990] 1 AC 831 that when valuing a “dwelling house of modest value” for a building society or local authority, a surveyor may owe a duty of care to the residential purchaser of that property if the surveyor was aware that there… Read More >
Construction Contracts Bill 2010- Update

In our previous report on the Construction Contracts Bill in August 2010 we commented on the first draft of the Bill. Since then this private members Bill promoted by Senator Fergal Quinn has been amended and was passed on the 8 March 2011 in the Seanad. It is currently with the Department of Finance before… Read More >
Proceeds of Crime Act

Rachel Barnes' article in Building on 20 May 2011 seeks to allay earlier concerns that the Proceeds of Crime Act could apply to certain sorts of payment under construction contracts. Two recent cases indicate that the scope of the Act may not be as wide as was feared. Location: UK
Payment Protection Insurance: The 'Root Cause' of Concern for Providers

The British Bankers Association (BBA) recently lost its challenge by judicial review to new regulatory provisions imposed by the Financial Services Authority regarding complaints about the sale of Payment Protection Insurance (PPI). The ramifications of the decision, not just for banks, but for all providers/sellers of PPI insurance could amount to as much as £2.5bn… Read More >