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Claims Consultants and legal professional privilege

Following the Walter Lilly & Company Ltd v Mackay and another decision for claims consultants and those who instruct them, the High Court has determined that legal professional or legal advice privilege does not extend to documents generated by claims consultants where they have been engaged to provide contractual and adjudication advice. In light of… Read More >
Approval for general scheme of Mediation Bill for Ireland

Following the publication of the Law Reform Commission report on “Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation and Conciliation” in late 2010 on Thursday 1 March last the Minister of Justice confirmed that he has secured the approval of the Government for the general scheme of a Mediation Bill.
Knowing when the limits for legal action start

Under the law of limitation, there are time limits for commencing legal actions to pursue a civil claim. For an action in court or by way of arbitration to pursue a claim for fees, or for damages for breach of contract or for negligence, the time limit is generally six years. There are exceptions: for… Read More >
Administration of MJN Colston Limited

On 23 February 2012, national building services contractor MJN Colston Limited went into administration. The company is known for providing mechanical and engineering services for public and private sector clients. A number of MJN’s sub-consultants affected by the administration have contacted us. James Hutchinson gives you advice on the consequences of MJN’s administration.
Scope of the Solicitors Retainer: Lessons from Lynch

Bankers, solicitors and their professional indemnity insurers will have raised two cheers at the outcome of the Lynch case. Although the judgment did not raise any new points of law, it provides a general commentary on the scope of the solicitor’s retainer and duty of care.
Network Rail prosecution over Grayrigg Crash

Network Rail is facing criminal prosecution for breach of health and safety law in relation to the 2007 Virgin Trains Cumbrian rail crash at Grayrigg which killed one passenger.
The Health and Safety “Albatross”

The prime minister has declared “war against the excessive health and safety culture that has become an albatross around the neck of Bristish businesses”. Mr Cameron is also planning on meeting with Britain's leading insurance companies next month to investigate whether businesses are paying too much cover.
Managing Keydata Claims

Damian McPhun gives his views on the litigation and the issues facing IFAs regarding keydata.
Update on Financial Services Claims in Ireland

With the downturn in the economy, particularly the property market and volatility in the stock markets, claims against financial institutions, financial advisors and promoters of financial products have increased significantly. Tara Cosgrove and Garrett Cormican provide an update and identify emerging trends.
The Construction Act: Changes to consultants' payment processes

Lindy Patterson's article looked at two forms of contractors' contracts which had been revised following the amendments to the Construction Act. This article considers how the consultant side of the industry is dealing with the new payment provisions.