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HMRC crackdown on the tax treatment of salaried members of LLPs

On Tuesday 10th December 2013, HMRC published draft legislation for inclusion in the Finance Bill 2014, which is likely to have a significant impact on construction professionals operating as limited liability partnerships. A member of an LLP that meets certain conditions will be treated as an employee for tax and NICs purposes, rather than as… Read More >
Government announces updated National Investment Plan

On 4 December 2013, the UK Government launched the National Investment Plan 2013 (NIP), an updated version of its infrastructure spending plan, highlighting the Government’s investment priorities up to 2030 and increasing the amount of planned investment to £375bn. Partner, Will Buckby and Solicitor, Andrew Croft of Beale & Company highlight some of the key projects, figures and… Read More >
Adjudication Update – the loser wins, in time

In the recent case of Aspect Contracts (Asbestos) Ltd v Higgins Construction Plc [2013], the Court of Appeal has looked at the effect of an adjudicator’s decision on the limitation period within which a claim for breach of contract must be brought. The Court confirmed HHJ Stephen Davies QC’s decision in Jim Ennis Construction Ltd… Read More >
Government confirms crackdown on LLP taxation

The Chancellor confirmed in yesterday’s Autumn Statement the Government’s plan to remove the presumption of self-employment from limited liability partnerships and to counter the artificial allocation of profits to partners. The proposed changes are of particular interest to the investment management industry, lawyers, accountants and construction professionals practising as LLPs. For further information please read… Read More >
Reports from the Courts – December 2013

Our regular round up of the court decisions of most interest to construction from Andrew Croft and Will Buckby of Beale & Company includes an adjudication decision being upheld despite the adjudicator applying a clause in a way that neither party had argued; and one which highlights the importance of naming the correct legal entities in contracts.
Has the tide turned on the extent of losses that can be claimed against Solicitors?

In a unanimous decision in the case of Gabriel v Little and BPE Solicitors LLP the Court of Appeal has reinforced the recent run of decisions against Solicitors limiting losses to the consequences of a solicitor’s “information” (as per Lord Hoffman’s categorisation in Saamco) being wrong. Despite cases such as Portman BS v Bevan Ashford… Read More >
Recent High Court Judgment on Valuer’s Negligence

In a recent judgment of Mr Justice Hedigan , the High Court considered whether two auctioneers were negligent in their valuation of lands in 2007. The Court held that valuers owed a duty of care when preparing valuations and that a party who commissioned a valuation was entitled to rely on it and to assume… Read More >
Reports from the Courts – November 2013

Our round up of court decisions and rulings from Andrew Croft and Will Buckby focuses on one that confirms set-off cannot be laid against sums awarded to be paid by an adjudicator; and one which sheds light on whether collateral warranties are contracts for the purpose of adjudication.
Due diligence, obligations to cooperate and limitations of liability – the importance of ensuring that they are in clear and certain terms

The recent judgment by Stuart-Smith J in SABIC UK Petrochemicals Ltd v Punj Lloyd Ltd [2013] EWHC 2916 (TCC) and a related case involving Punj Lloyd’s subsidiary Simon Carves Ltd addressed the following issues, among others: the meaning of “due diligence”, the obliged obligation of one party not to hinder or disrupt and the scope of a clause… Read More >
Third Party Claims against Insurers – The Irish Position

We are frequently asked by Insurers whether there is an Irish statutory equivalent, similar to the UK Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 1930. Following the recent High Court decision in Yun Bing Hu v. Duleek Formwork Limited (in Liquidation) and Aviva direct Limited t/a Aviva [2013] IEHC 50 (“Hu v Duleek”) on this very… Read More >