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Extensions of time for service of proceedings – statement of intent from the TCC
New investment in Highways Network
On the 10th February the government announced their intention to spend more than £25bn from now until 2021 on improving the nation’s road network. In this article Will Buckby and Andrew Croft of Beale & Company review the proposed investment and possible implications for firms working in the highways sector.
Barclays reported to have suffered leak of up to 27,000 customers’ records
Causation and the ‘but for’ test
In this article, first published in the January edition of LexisPSL Construction, Will Buckby and Andrew Croft discuss the recent judgement in Greenwich Millennium Village v Essex Services where the court abandoned the ‘but for’ test in pursuit of a ‘fair result’. for more information please click on the link below.
Marley v Rawlings – Supreme Court Permits Rectification of Will Signed by Wrong Person
Quarterly Case Review – January 2014
This Quarterly Review includes updates on insurance issues involving Accountants, Solicitors, Surveyors, Construction, Irish developments and finishes with a slightly more in depth look at the Mitchell case which will have a substantial impact on all litigation going forward.
The new 2014 ICAEW minimum wording and probate claims
The ICAEW has announced changes to the minimum wording applying from 1 January 2014 to reflect the opening up of probate work to chartered accountants and which is anticipated to take place later this year. In December 2013 the Legal Services Board approved applications by the ICAEW under the Legal Services Act 2007 to become… Read More >